G-STAR INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED is duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission as well as with the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA). We are also duly certified and registered with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT (LG) for Pest Control Services in addition to other service provisions.
Founded and Registered in Nigeria as G-Star Integrated Services Limited, we offer professional services in the following areas: Dry-cleaning & Dyeing of Clothes, Cleaning Services for Home & Office, Fumigation Services for Home & Office.
We also offer a range of pest removal services that covers cockroach infestations, indoor ant colonies, termite swarms
including winged migrations, bee and wasp nests that might be indoors or in walls, flies and etc
We are big enough to cope and small enough to care!
Every client is equally important!
We all know that first impression counts and our process is will wow you.
We take this “RESPONSIBILITY” very seriously.
We are experts at cleaning to the highest standards, always keeping health and safety in mind.
To be the PREFERRED Cleaning Services in Africa reputed for its quality and affordable service.
To honorably serve the needs of our clients; by constantly exceeding their expectation of a hitch free and memorable working and living environment at an affordable price.